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Front end vs. back end: Differences

a software developer coding

Nowadays, programming is an ever-growing field, developing web pages, and creating applications and programs that facilitate our daily lives or improve the user experience. Developers perform those crucial functions, so we will see the front-end vs. back-end differences today. 

The terms front-end and back-end have unique and distinctive qualities and act as units that interact separately to ensure a site’s functionality.

To have an excellent digital page, you need more than a domain, hyperlinks, meta tags, and heading tags; we will explain why these two concepts are so important.

Which is better: Back-End or Front-End?


Talking about the front end vs. back end, Neither is more significant than the other; they complement and need each other to work because, on the one hand, websites must be beautiful and friendly, and on the other hand, that same site must be functional and must be able to perform operations.  

On the front-end, you require creative skills; on the back-end, you need people with excellent logic to solve problems.

What is front-end?


The front-end is the part of web developers dedicated to the front part of a website, in short, the design of a website, from the structure of the site to the styles such as colors, backgrounds, and sizes up to the animations and effects. 

It is that part of the page in which users interact with it, it is all the code that runs in the browser of a user, which is called a client application, so it is everything that the visitor sees and experiences directly. 

A front-end is a person dedicated to web design, but this does not mean that he does not touch code; both the front-end and the back-end are in contact with code all the time.

What is the back-end?


While the front-end is the programming layer executed in the user’s browser, the back-end processes the information that will feed the front-end data. 

 It is the layer of access to data, whether from software or a device. The technological logic makes a web page work, which is hidden from the visitor’s eyes. 

The back-end of a solution determines how well the application will run and what experience, positive or negative, the user will get from using it. 

Working in this section involves something completely different from the front-end since it requires the mastery of other programming terms and languages that require logic. This area is also responsible for optimizing resources, site security, and other factors. Languages such as PHP, Java, Python, and .Net, among others, are used in software development.

What are the differences between front-end and back-end?


The functions determine their performance on a website, but we will present significant similarities and differences below. 

  • Different concepts 

 The differences between the front-end and back-end are evident. As mentioned above, one is the part of the website you can see and interact with, while the back-end is the structural operation and is not visible to the client. 

  •  Different roles 

Front-end has to do with visual aspects that anyone experiences, while the back-end is everything that happens in the background because it facilitates web interaction. 

  •  Roles of Front-End and Back-End Developers 

A web designer is responsible for building websites with visual aspects in mind. Back-end web developers ensure that the data and systems requested by the software work efficiently.


How do they work together?


Keep in mind that a website is composed of many documents linked together by links, meaning that if you want to visit a web page and type the URL in the browser, translate it to request that the web page be displayed. 

The tool then checks the website software server. The server receives this information, verifies your request, and allows you to take action. There may be times when a connection to the database is not required. For example, when you visit a page, and log in, the request is made automatically connecting to the database to verify your access and registration permissions.

This is where the back-end sends the response back to the server, then appears the front-end that will receive the information transmitted by the back-end and store it in the web page interface or the user’s profile.

To have a correct front-end, back-end, or full stack development, at Heinsohn, we support you and give you the best service with everything related to the skills and knowledge of what is inside and outside software development.

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