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Nearshore IT Staff Augmentation

Hire experts in the Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern time zones.

We meet your needs from coast to coast in North America.
You will access a team of 200+ IT experts in all project roles
including software development, UX/UI design, QA testing, and DevOps engineering.

Think of your IT project as a puzzle, each piece represents a skill or expertise necessary for its completion.

There are times when a few pieces are missing, and that’s why Heinsohn is here to help.

Companies that
trust us

For several years now, we have expanded our search for IT profiles throughout Latin America, focusing mainly on Colombia to provide opportunities to local talent. However, we also attract highly qualified professionals from other Latin American countries to join Heinsohn. In specific situations, we also consider hiring in Canada and the United States.

With Nearshore Staff Augmentation
Services, You Achieve What
We Call “Perfect Fit.”

When it comes to investing millions of dollars in building a capable IT team, every person matters. You need coding, testing, and deployment. And every single one of these puzzle pieces needs to fit perfectly so that your project can be well-aligned and complete.

We work in a nearshore model. This is a business practice in which you outsource to our team located in a nearby country and the same time zone. Hence, the term “near” shore.

How Heinsohn’s Nearshore IT Staffing
Services Can Benefit You

We Promise to Provide Affordable IT Staff Augmentation Services Without Compromising on Quality

I’m ready to hire devs. But why Heinsohn?

Adaptable Service

Whether you are missing a corner piece or an entire section, our flexible model caters to both short-term and long-term gaps.

Direct Communication

Interact directly with the engineers you hire. Set up discussions, plan, and strategize without any intermediary layers.


Our IT staffing services are available for every type of project, from prototyping to full-scale development of web or mobile applications, testing, and architecture.

Full Coverage

We have professionals at all seniority levels and in all specialties, such as Full Stack Developers, Software Engineers, IT Technicians, Security Specialists, and more.


Heinsohn is a top leader in hiring, taking a human-centered approach: the soft skills we look for matter just as much, if not more, than technical expertise.

Timezone Alignment

Timezone Alignment Our team operates in the Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern time zones, ensuring that we can meet your needs from coast to coast in North America.

We Also Cover All The Technology Stacks You Probably Need

Cannot find the right tech or role?

We build a custom nearshore model that meets your needs.

Access to the Member of Your Choice

Experience the Satisfaction of a Completed IT Project, Just Like a Finished Puzzle

With Heinsohn, your missing pieces are just a click away.


We work with you through a simple 5-step process.

· Needs Assessment: We delve into understanding how our services can enhance your project by identifying your specific hiring needs and determining the exact number of experts you require.

· Talent Shortlisting: Our HR team presents potential candidates, allowing you to assess their expertise, technical know-how, language proficiency, and interpersonal skills. You then select candidates for final interviews.

· Contractual Formalities: Once you are satisfied with our IT staff and ready to onboard, we draft a tailored agreement that outlines expectations, timelines, and specifics like data protection and payroll.

· Execution: With Heinsohn’s staff augmentation, you gain dedicated experts who operate as if they were part of your in-house team despite working remotely. We manage all administrative details, giving you full oversight and control.

Our IT staff augmentation process involves a streamlined approach to identifying and filling your project’s talent gaps.

We first understand your IT needs and find the ideal candidates who seamlessly integrate into your organization. This begins with a comprehensive vetting and interviewing process, culminating in the sharing of top tier resumes with you, all sourced from Latin America.

We offer a range of IT augmentation services tailored to your project’s requirements. Our team is responsible for the software development process from start to finish.

Our IT staffing augmentation service caters to both short-term and long-term project needs, ensuring that you have the right talent for the necessary duration. Moreover, we specialize in nearshore staff augmentation, emphasizing efficiency and seamless time zone integration, as our delivery centers are in Latin America.

Our team augmentation services allow you to access specialized professionals who work in the Central time zone, enabling efficient collaboration.

With nearshore IT staff augmentation, our team becomes an extension of yours, attending your regular meetings and reporting directly to your managers. It is all about ensuring your project is as cohesive and successful as a completed puzzle.

Important note: Resource management, task setting, and monitoring of these tasks are the responsibility of the client. Even if tasks are not assigned, the client will still be billed monthly.

No great project was ever built alone.

Let our team extend and complement your software capabilities. We want to make sure that you don’t just build a one-off project. Rather, we want you to trust Heinsohn as a long-term partner you can rely on for any project and for years to come.

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