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3 Different types of business management

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BPM, or business process management, is an indispensable discipline in any modern enterprise. Through BPM, various strategies can be implemented to improve work performance. Join us to learn about three different types of business process management.

What are the different types of BPM?


There are countless strategies that propel a company’s goals, but not all of them are as effective. In fact, many types of management can be counterproductive, causing low employee productivity rates.

That is why we have chosen to outline three different types of business process management. Based on the internal operations of Heinsohn Corp, we have corroborated that they are among the most effective strategies today.

Human centric BPM

This type of business process management is people-centric, as it considers human skills above all else. However, it uses technology to support these skills.

The strength of human centric BPM is that it provides the company with a flexibility and adaptability that automation cannot provide. With people performing most of the functions, it is possible to react more effectively to any circumstance.

With respect to the flexibility of this system, it is worth mentioning the possibility of putting work on hold to finish it later. This generates higher performance and compliance rates among workers.

The drawback is, of course, the human factor. Although since technology is never left aside, but becomes an ally, human error is rare. Technology is the bridge between the enterprise system and human activity.

Document Centric BPM

Document centric BPM is indispensable in any company or organization. Above all, companies that deal with contracts, legal processes, healthcare institutions and the like depend on this BPM.

Such a vast flow of information is almost impossible to handle without an overview of the entire corpus. That is precisely what document-centric BPM is for: to understand the flow of documents.

The main advantage is that any obstacle or problem can be addressed without wasting time in locating it.

However, the only problem is the volume of information to be handled. For this BPM to make sense, every item, product or activity in the company must be supported by a standardized document.

It can become a serious problem in small companies that make the transition to medium-sized ones. In theory, businesses of this type do not have the necessary infrastructure to support all the logistics. Although it should be noted that with the digitization of documents, it is becoming easier every day.

Integration centric BPM

Integration centric BPM is a system that seeks to completely eliminate the human factor from certain processes, without excluding humans. In other words, it consists of the use of software and the Internet to perform repetitive tasks in the form of automated workflows.

The ideal for the use of this system is to create an internal architecture that is capable of processing several important factors. For example, an application capable of tracking a certain market sector and forecasting future situations.

Such a software should be able to interact with different programs or digital entities in order to manage a common database. The task of organizing such a database would also be implicit in the integration centric BPM.

We stress the importance of removing the human factor from this process, which is tedious and prone to confusion and errors. Thus, the administrative overhead is considerably reduced. Consequently, workers can focus on tasks that cannot be performed by a computer program.

Learn how service-oriented architecture and BPM can collaborate to enhance your business operations.

Choosing the ideal type of business management?


Like these three, there is a whole sea of strategies. In addition, using one doesn’t mean vetoing another. In fact, we recommend that you use all three of the BPMs mentioned here.

Of course, this is not a decision that can be taken lightly; the future of your company depends on it. We invite you to make an exhaustive analysis of the company in the present and how it is projected into the future.

When you are clear about the path you should or want to follow to achieve your goals, it will be much easier to choose a type of business management.

Experience the full potential of our software development service with our team’s management expertise.

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